Thursday, December 3, 2015

Wonder Woman Fan Casting: My Personal Top 5

PHOTO DISCLAIMER: All photos belong to their original owners. 

Before I get going, I want to make one thing abundantly clear…I want nothing more than Gal Gabot to succeed as Wonder Woman in the DC Cinematic Universe. I hope she does the role justice, and I believe she will. I don’t think DC Comics or Warner Brothers would have chosen Gal if they didn’t think she could handle such a massive role. WITH THAT BEING SAID…I know deep in my heart that at least five different women could have been given this role and ran away with it like no one else. In fact, I’m going to name my Top 5 ladies (IN ORDER) that I would have sincerely considered to be the Amazon Princess, if it were up to me.

5. Trish Warren

I will say this choice is a wildcard for people that don’t know her, but for those that follow the fitness industry, many would say that this would make sense. This fitness competitor from the International Federation of Bodybuilders (IFBB) has the physique down pat (as most do anyways), but she has the overall look that one would expect a female superhero to have. Trish also has that presence that you just can’t teach. Anyone who’s followed her in the IFBB can attest to that statement.  She’s the oldest on my list, but don’t let that fool you either (I mean, Robert Downey Jr. is in his 50s and is tearing it up as IronMan).

4. Amanda Kuclo (Latona)

She’s almost in the same boat at Trish when it comes to great physique and beautiful look, but the reason I have her ranked higher is because she actually DOES have experience when it comes to working in the entertainment field. She was a singer prior to becoming an IFBB bikini competitor. Just so you know, she can still hit the notes, and pretty well, if I do say so myself. In addition to that, she’s easily one of the most entertaining fitness stars you will ever meet in your life. If you don’t like fun and hilarity, don’t be around this woman. LOL. I have no doubt in my mind that if Amanda was chosen, she would have done the role justice.

3. Jaimie Alexander

Yes, I’m aware that she is already involved in superhero movies (Sif in the Marvel Cinematic Universe), but I don’t think people would have minded one bit if she jumped ship and had become the Amazon Princess. People who worry about the acting part wouldn’t have to worry about that so much as she has proven her worth in the acting world. Jaimie is the perfect height at 5’9 and downright gorgeous to boot. She’s also young enough to carry the role for a lengthy period of time, which could end up being important as the DC Cinematic Universe is aiming to grow as a massive rate over the next couple of years.

2. Erin Stern

As mentioned earlier, many fitness women look-wise could have been chosen to be Wonder Woman, but if you were to ask any of them straight-up, if only ONE woman from the fitness world could be (or in this case have been) Wonder Woman, Erin Stern would be at the top of the list. There might not be another female in the fitness world that has the Wonder Woman look and personality down to a science like the former Figure Olympia champion. DC Comics (or more specifically SlideShow Toy) actually DID pick Erin to create a statue out of her likeness. They did a fine good job and picked a great model to base their Wonder Woman statue off of. So my question is…if they got a fit woman to be Wonder Woman for a statue...why didn’t they do the same think for the movie? Just saying…

1. Eve Torres-Gracie

Here’s where I will go on somewhat of a mini-rant, so bear with me here.
I’ve followed this woman’s entire WWE career and post-WWE career. I’ve seen her perform live a few times in WWE events. I’ve actually got to see her up close and personal at my first Wrestlemania. The chats I’ve seen on social media regarding this former WWE Diva and DC’s most popular heroine are downright scary in how accurate they are. How in the world did Warner Brothers and DC Comics not even CONSIDER the 3x WWE Divas Champion for the Wonder Woman role is beyond my comprehension. When I first heard that Wonder Woman was coming to the big screen, Eve Torres was the very first person that came to my head in “This is MADE for her”. Eve’s got the physique that’s fit enough (no pun intended) for the role yet is mainstream-friendly, she’s got the height (5’8) and youth (barely in her 30s), and she has acting experience in small roles and has performed in front of thousands on a daily basis, not to mention she legit knows how to kick butt as a Gracie Self-Defense instructor. If anyone (WWE fan or not) took a good look at Eve, how could you NOT even at the very least consider her for the role. As mentioned before, no disrespect to Gal, but I think Zack Snyder missed the boat with Eve big time. Time will tell if that comes back to bit him in the rear.

So there you have it, my personal choices for who I would have wanted to be Wonder Woman over Gal. As I’ve stated on social media, I don’t wish ill toward her. I want her to succeed. I want this generation to have a Wonder Woman they can be proud of like the generation that had Lynda Carter as their Wonder Woman. This is just something I needed to get off my chest for quite some time.

I now throw my hat to you: Who do YOU think should have been cast as Wonder Woman? Do you think Gal will exceed all of our expectations? Why or why not? Leave a comment below or shoot me an email. I’m interested in hearing from all parties. Just so you all don’t forget, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is out in theaters on March 26th, 2016. It’s rated PG-13 and stars Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent, Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Gal Gabot as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince/Princess Diana, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.


  1. there are plenty of 5'9" actresses that could be a better choice for Wonder Woman than Gal Gadot

    1. I agree, and those five were in the top of my head, but mainly for the sole purpose of being a fan of female muscle anyways. I don't expect to think about choices 2,4,and 5 due to that reason, but Jaimie was a popular choice on the Internet and Eve Torres based off her WWE stint seemed like she was destined to have been in this role. But hey, it's whatever at this point.

  2. also I noticed that Erin's face is used but not her body itself
    seen the statute in person&not an shred of muscle on it

    1. Hmm...I've not seen the statue in person, so I can't really comment on it. Just by the photos.
